


Jan 24, 2024

The Noise

The noise is loud and it's everywhere

It's hard to not hear it (especially if you tap on screens)

And yet, if you care to not be in the number - the mob

If you care to create something meaningful

You must attempt to quiet it.

You must resist the urge to…

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?