


Jan 13, 2024

The Challenge Stays

Do what you love... Do what comes easy to you.

Know though, it'll still be challenging.

If you love to write, you'll still have to face the blank page

If you love to talk, you’ll still have to figure out what sounds the smartest (or at least doesn’t sound dumb).

And if the challenge is what you're running from, you might never get anything done.

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?