


Jan 4, 2024

Soon Enough

Soon enough…

If you turn off the lights and lie down with your eyes closed, soon enough… you’ll fall asleep.

If you continue driving down the road, soon enough… you’ll hit a turn.

If you eat unhealthily every day, soon enough…

If you raise your temper every now and then, soon enough…

If you meditate for 10 minutes every day, soon enough… you’ll be mindful.

If you read 3 pages of a book every day, soon enough… you’ll be smart(er).

If you hit the gym for 60 minutes every day, soon enough… you’ll be fit.

If you create opportunities for people every now and then, soon enough… you’ll be the world’s stop point.

If you keep a diligent study of any subject, soon enough… you’ll be an expert

Some things are like gravity. Soon enough…

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?