


Oct 19, 2023

On a Contrary

Yes, you can inspire others and feel a void within yourself

You can teach something that’s challenging for you to practice too

You can be the life of the party and be dying inside

You can sing about love and not feel it yourself

You can be great at something you hate to do

You can take bold steps and be scared

And it’s okay…

We must understand that the outside doesn’t always match the inside, and there are times it doesn’t have to.

However, it pays to pay attention to the inside because it’s where we spend most of our time… and doesn’t it do a better job of defining us?

See part 2

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?