


Jan 7, 2024

Head And Heart

Your head says to keep to the schedule you've made

Your heart says to write a story or script a podcast

What you really want to do is to write but you have responsibilities and obligations

The key is to fit your heart into your head bit by bit until your head dances to the tune of your heart

You do this by scheduling time for your heart in your head until it can become your responsibility.

Block out heart time.

Isn't that better than letting your heart cry?

And that cry is loud!

Start now, small, however.

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?

60 seconds of wisdom, philosophies, lessons, and inspiration every day.

Start your day by arming yourself with new knowledge, a reminder of what's possible, or the inspiration you need to make meaningful progress.

I like to control how my day starts and goes. How about you?